Zenith Medical Centre Our mission is to provide a quality integrated GP care with Functional/Natural & Antiaging medicine. We deliver health care services with human touch. We are located in Dandenong serving Melbourne and beyond.Zenith Integrative Medical Centre | Medical

DT3L does not heat or cut tissue, unlike high intensity lasers used in surgery and dermatology. The question is often asked “If it’s a laser aren’t they used in surgical operations, to cauterize tissue?” The answer is “Yes” – Hot Lasers are able to cauterize (cut) tissue. However, the ones we use for healing are “Low Level Lasers” with designed parameters that make it impossible to damage even one cell in the body. Our lasers stimulate and energize the cells.

After several years of use, the FDA has ruled that DT3L is safe and the only contraindication (warning) is not to use it directly in the eyes.

This type of treatment have been formally accepted in many parts of the world such as Canada, USA, Brazil, Europe, Scandinavia, Russia and Japan. In all this time there have been no recorded long-term adverse effects from its use. It is considered to be non-invasive, painless and safe.

Hundreds of research studies have shown Laser Therapy to be safe and effective. Laser Therapy is non-invasive, non-toxic and non-thermal. Unlike other forms of radiation, Laser Therapy is beneficial rather than harmful to tissue.

Over 200 DT3L clinical trials (RCTs) and over 1,000 laboratory studies have been published. It has proven more effective and safer than pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories across a range of musculoskeletal conditions.

DT3L also improves healing and reduces muscle fatigue, muscle damage and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

There are normally no adverse effects from DT3L, however, patients occasionally experience mild discomfort/ache after treatment. This is due to a re-stimulation of the inflammatory phase and should settle down after 24 – 48 hours.