Chronic Disease Management

Many illnesses and health conditions can be classified under the broad heading of chronic disease. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Chronic diseases are mostly characterized by many factors:  i. They are caused by complex causes, ii. They are associated with multiple risk factors; iii. They have long latency (dormancy) periods; iv. They often have a prolonged course of illness and v. Functional impairment or disability.

Most chronic diseases do not resolve spontaneously, and are generally not cured completely. Some can be immediately life-threatening, such as heart attack and stroke. Others can persist over time and can be intensive in terms of management. Most chronic diseases persist in an individual through life, but are not always the cause of death.

Examples of chronic diseases are: Cardiovascular diseases; Arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions; Some Injuries from accidents; Mental disorders, Cancer; Diabetes mellitus, Lung diseases (Emphysema);  Asthma

Our integrated Chronic Disease Management team at the Zenith Medical Centre can help you manage your chronic illness. The reason for this is simple, we coordinate your care using a team based approach, ensure coordination, consistency and continuity of your plan and we are proactive in ensuring that we put you at the very centre. These are achieved through regular review and follow up.

You may also visit our Health Link update to read more about some of the chronic illnesses mentioned above. We are now offering an Integrative or  Functional Medicine approach to Chronic Illnesses. You don't have to continue to manage, you can breath a new lease of health and wellness. Click here for more on functional Medicine.

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Remember; at Zenith Integrative Medical Centre; it’s all in your best interest!!!