Zenith Medical Centre Our mission is to provide a quality integrated GP care with Functional/Natural & Antiaging medicine. We deliver health care services with human touch. We are located in Dandenong serving Melbourne and beyond.Zenith Integrative Medical Centre | Medical


Zenith Medical Centre Skin Cancer & Surgery Related Fee Structure

Skin cancer services at Zenith Medical Centre is provided by Accredited Skin Cancer Doctor. Our fees are dependent on the kind of service you require. Spot check for a couple of skin lesions by a skilled and experienced Dermoscopist is charged as general consultation for which Medicare rebates are available. You are advised not to settle for any skin check with mere naked eye, such impression can be misleading.

The fee for MoleMax skin examination either for partial (one region of the body) or full scan (entire body) is not rebated by Medicare. Some private health insurer covers this examination for some  people. You are advised to check with your Health Insurer if or not you can be covered. You may ask for coverage for "Melanoma surveillance imaging and diagnosis".

Please be aware , Insurers' policies are quite dynamic and as such we cannot provide guidance on which one of them provide coverage for the MoleMax skin examination

Some patients may choose none of the above MoleMax skin examination but settled for use of Magnifying lens for full body skin check or partial body skin check, the service is also available. There is Medicare rebate which is charged as general consultation but this approach is not recommended. 

At this stage there is no Medicare cover for the MoleMax Skin Check procedure.

Our fees are payable at the time of consultation in full by cash, cheque or EFT. Your Medicare rebate for consultation (with/without MoleMax) will be processed for you instantly at the reception. 

Biopsies & Skin Cancer Excisions 

On some occasion, we may need to biopsy the lesion identified if the clinical examination was not convincing enough to define the lesion. This is necessary either for a definite  cure or for a tissue diagnosis by the laboratory.  If  and when this is the case, you will be advised immediately after your skin check. We will answer your question and possibly share the images with you if you so wish.

Biopsies and many of our excisions are done with local anesthesia do deaden the pain of the procedure .

Medicare rebate is available for biopsies taken for tissue diagnosis but NOT for the full excision of skin cancers.

You will be advised of the cost implication need any clarification about these changes, please do not hesitate to ask our Receptionists.

You will need an EFT card to benefit from this service. Unfortunately, we cannot transfer your rebate into your Credit Card account. Likewise, the Easy Claim system is not able to claim the service from your private health insurer. All payment are made in full on day of Consultation.

Wound dressing and other non Medicare rebated procedures will attract a non Medicare rebatable  fees of  between $30 and $50 depending on the dressing (consumables) required for the post operative care.

For further information, please can call us on 03 8580 2441  to speak with our friendly staff for any of concerns.

 Remember; at Zenith Medical Centre; it's all in your best interest!!!